The Lovely Love Of Jesus!
The lovely love of Jesus grows! It's building day by day!
And that's the truth each Christian knows... if faithful still to pray!
It's through such love this world was made! It's how forgiveness came!
The love of Jesus cannot fade! That's why we praise His Name!
The lovely love of Jesus lives... because it cannot die!
Just think of everything it gives! More joys! Less times to cry...
And while there's life, there's hope, of course... with resurrection peace...
A peace surpassing all Man's wars... a peace that cannot cease...
The lovely love of Jesus, friends! That's what God wants for you!
A perfect love that never ends... a love steadfast and true...
Look on His hands, look on His feet... look on His heart as well...
Because I did, my life's complete... God's Son saved me from Hell...
The lovely love of Jesus brings a heart of flesh and more...
The strength with which each angel sings... and they can sing, for sure...
They praise the Lord, they serve the Lord... They harken to our prayers...
That's why they're always overawed... at just how much Christ cares...
Denis Martindale © 2018
Because Of Jesus, I Have Hope!
Because of Jesus, I have hope... my hope comes from the Lord,
Christ changes hearts across the globe... with faith to stand assured,
Forgiven every sin we've done... and sins as yet to be,
For God the Father loves His Son... who died on Calvary!
For there is power in His Blood... and power in His Name!
Ascending like a mighty flood... to take away our shame...
Lord Jesus died for all Mankind... upon the Cross of Christ,
That's why the Father's so inclined... to see us all baptised...
While there's a sun and moon above... and stars that span the skies,
Remember this, that God is love! More than you realise!
And so, I'm asking you, right now... to pray a prayer with me,
To close your eyes and humbly bow... praise God for Calvary...
The price was paid by Jesus there! Salvation's on the line!
If we're sincere, God hears each prayer... Yes, even yours and mine...
No other other Saviour should I know... He overcame the grave...
No other Saviour could I know... like Christ who's strong to save!
Why then resist what Christ can do... when sins are washed away?
The Bible says that GOD LOVES YOU! GOD LOVES YOU night and day!
Denis Martindale © 2018
Jesus, The Lamb Of God!
Lord Jesus knew what this week meant... no need to tell Him so...
His miracles were Heaven-sent... yet soon He had to go...
To leave behind disciples here... tormented by their grief,
With every kind of mortal fear... and even disbelief...
The prophecies must come to pass... the whip, the crown, the Cross...
Man's wisdom but a fragile farce... Christ's life itself the loss...
And soon my Saviour's Blood was shed... the end for Christ was nigh...
By faith, my Saviour paid Man's debt... as Mary wept nearby...
Behold the Lamb of God, indeed... no other lamb for me...
Because His Cross fulfilled each need... that day... on Calvary...
Yet let's rejoice that God forgives, despite Man's evil hours...
God raised His Son, Lord Jesus lives! He's yours, He's mine, He's ours!
Denis Martindale © 2018