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The Treasures In You

There are treasures in life, but owners are few

Of money and power to buy things brand new

Yet you can be wealthy and feel regal too,

If you will just look for the treasures in you.

These treasures in life are not hard to find

When you look in your heart, your soul, and your mind.

For when you are willing to share what's within,

Your fervent search for riches will end.

The joy and the laughter, the smile that you bring;

The heart unafraid to love and to sing;

The hand always willing to help those in need;

Ones quick to reach out, to labor and feed.

So thank you for sharing these great gifts inside;

The caring, the cheering, the hug when one cried.

Thanks for the energy, encouragement too,

And thank you for sharing the treasures in you.

by Anonymous

The Never Wavering Few

The easy roads are crowded

And the level roads are jammed;

The pleasant little rivers

With the drifting folks are crammed.

But off yonder where it's rocky,

Where you get a better view,

You will find the ranks are thinning

And the travelers are few.

Where the going's smooth and pleasant

You will always find the throng,

For the many, more's the pity,

Seem to like to drift along.

But the steeps that call for courage,

And the task that's hard to do

In the end result in glory

For the never-wavering few.

Edgar A. Guest ©

Heart Of Gold!

I'd rather meet a Christian saint who has a heart of gold,

For there's none better to acquaint, their good works to behold!

To see them pray, with heads then bowed, as they seek God again,

Not in the presence of a crowd each time they say, Amen...

I'd rejoice for all their birthdays, not just because they've grown,

Recall good times and then give praise whenever smiles were shown...

Each year has opportunities, more miracles, more grace,

With times of challenge, times of peace, each destiny to face...

I celebrate each Christian saint who has a heart of gold,

For there's none better to acquaint, their good works to behold!

Denis Martindale © 2017

Be Like A Star

The Sky has countless stars, our eyes can see;

Yet, many more, telescopes cannot discern;

And God calls every star by name sweetly;

To every man, He shows His love and concern.

And like a star, we all ought to shine in life;

To prove the Maker's love for us is great;

Let us not waver despite any strife;

Each man decides his soul's fate.

0h help me Lord, to be a blazing star,

That shines so brightly, although placed afar!

John Celes ©

Be Grateful To God

O Let my heart be loyal to You Lord,

My Creator and Maker of this world!

My Omnipotent, Omniscient God,

The mystery of mysteries unheard!

How can I ever repay Your Love oh God?

Unfathomable Love that made my soul!

And everything goes by Your Grace and Your word,

In Heaven and on earth, from pole to pole.

So, let my soul Forever thank You Lord,

You are my Savior Friend and God.

John Celes ©

More Coming!

The copyrights of all poems on this website belong to the individual authors.

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