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There is something about Morning and Evening, that is different to any other

time of the day. Yes, away from the rush, we can feel the hush and is lovely

to pray. Enjoy His Presence as you read these poems!


Oh, Lord today I was breathless,

when I saw the beauty of Your love

while gazing at the sunrise

peaking through the skies above.

I watched as the stars disappeared,

fading with the dark of night

the morning first rays beaming

with Your glorious eternal light.

As the beauty rose up before me,

a crimson glow was all I could see

oh, Lord today I was breathless

as Your beauty surrounded me.

How I love these early mornings,

when I get a glimpse of You

watching Your love spread out

as Your glory shines through.

Lord, You gave me this sunrise,

with just the stroke of Your hand

oh, Lord today I was breathless

as You lit up the whole land.

Deborah Ann Belka © 2013

Before the Sun Rises ~ I Will Seek You

Before the sun rises

Before awakes the dawn

I will find You

I will join Creation’s song

Before the noise begins

Before life’s clamor rings

I will hear You

I will listen to what Truth brings

Before the demands start

Before busy challenges arise

I will seek You

I will absorb all Love supplies.

Sue Nash © 2013

“I love those who love me; and those who seek me early shall find me.”

Proverbs 8:17

Morning Prayer

Lord I want to walk in Your will everyday

To be led by the Holy Spirit and listen to what You say

I know your always speaking so open up my ears

I want to be obedient to the words I hear

Lord I love what You have done in me,

How You have changed who I am

You have changed my heart, the way I see things

And how I understand

I can see the difference and I’m grateful

You would even take the time

To look my way long enough to renew my mind

And now your love overflows my heart

Coming from deep within

I am forever humbled that I can call You Friend

I love You Lord.

Robyne S. Quigg © 

Heavenly Raindrops

Every morning

When I awake

I find You there

Your presence is comforting,

And I breathe in Your love. 

As I start my day

And rush off

To who knows where,

I hear You whisper

Your constancy is reassuring,

And I rely on Your help. 

When the evening winds down

And I’ve nothing left to give

I know You care

Your goodness is pleasing,

And I partake of Your rest.

Every day, all day long, I know God is there.

Sue Nash © 2014

Beauty of the Morning

In the beauty of the morning

When the sun awakes the world

When the birds begin their singing

And the clouds are all unfurled.

Have you ever stopped to listen

As the darkness fades away

When the golden dawn is breaking

and heralds in the day?

If you've never seen the glory

of the rising of the sun

Now's the time to do this

For at least, just even one.

Your heart will swell with praises

As you see the beauty there

You will find your spirit soaring

And your heart bowed down in prayer.

  Author Unknown

An Evening Hour

It was a sunny bright evening, an evening so calm,

The kind of evening that was inviting me with an outstretched arm.

So I decided to spend an hour doing almost nothing,

Sitting and enjoying the best of what nature could bring.

Getting up from my chair, I thought I'd take a stride

Then there was a bumble bee that suddenly came by my side.

There was a kind of music as the bee flapped its wing,

Music so perfect that no one could ever sing.

Walking little further, I spotted a butterfly

Which was hovering over the flowers and then soaring high

And I came to the conclusion as I was on my knees,

Not the richest of queens was dressed like one of these.

My evening hour in the garden was very well spent

And now I know what beauty and music really meant!

Pearlyn ©

Evening Hours

The dusk has little gateways

That lead to pleasant homes

Enveloped in the soft light

Before the darkness comes.

Each home is in a garden

Alight with vivid blooms,

And there are fragrant posies

In all the restful rooms.

They are so cool and quiet,

After the hectic day,

After the crowded hours

That rush us on our way.

They are the little havens

Where we may turn to sit

And rest us in a leisure

The day could not permit.

Ella C. Forbes ©

Lovely Bed!

It’s night, beautiful night

after a busy day__

Under the covers

there is no other

thing that I have to do.

I’ll drift into slumber

beneath those covers__

into the quite of night.

Janet Vargas © June 2012

Summer Breeze

Those sweet fragrant flowers

I could smell for hours

they’re perfumed to my delight.

The fragrance is best

nearby where I rest

on my sofa before it’s night.

Janet Vargas © May 2012

Pleasantly Blessed

Under my blankets at night__

So cosy I would be__

I look through my window at the stars

The moonlight resting there__

I ponder my day’s activities

When I went out for a walk__

I thank you God and I praise You

For all those comforts of mine__

You’ve blessed my day

You’ve blessed my night

I’m precious in Your sight.

Janet Vargas © April 2012

Prayer at Night

In your Presence I want to linger

through the gentle hush of the night

when there's not a care or task in sight.

A time for reflection of Your blessed Face

Sadness or anger can't be traced

just LOVE and PEACE.

Janet Vargas © Sept 2012

Enfolded in His Love

The Love of God Surrounds us

Like the air we breathe around us__

As near as a heartbeat, as close as a prayer,

And whenever we need Him, His always there!

Helen Steiner Rice ©

The copyrights of all poems on this website belong to the individual authors.

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