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Flames of Love

Fan the flame in me Jesus

Until You are all I see.

Renew and revive my soul,

Constantly make me whole!

Fan the flame of my desire,

You oh Lord take me higher.

To the place of my full destiny,

Open my eyes to see!

Fan the holy fire within,

Regenerate Your Life, take away all sin.

Fill me with Your fire so Divine,

To walk in the straight and narrow line.

Fan the flame Holy Father Above,

There is no Greater Love.

Keep me from the enemy’s lies

With You there is no disguise.

Fan the Spirit within my soul,

Thank you for making me whole.

Make me a blessing to everyone I meet,

One look from You, there is no defeat!

Janice Zotter ©

To Calvary And Beyond!

Jerusalem and Jesus Christ... these two forever known,

The place God's Son was sacrificed... the place true love was shown,

With John and Mary standing there... compelled to see it all,

Heartbroken, sobbing unaware before God's miracle...

For Jesus could have run away... escaped into the night...

Instead, the Saviour chose to stay... and do what God thought right...

He loved the Father way too much! How could Christ let Him down?

That's why He suffered whips and such... and why He wore that crown...

I wasn't there to save His skin... or soothe His final breath,

My Saviour died... my soul to win... He's Jesus of Nazareth...

Before I lived... Christ died for me... the Bible tells me so...

That's how I found through Calvary the kindest love I'll know...

And yet God raised Him from the dead... with proofs we could discern,

So we quote Jesus... who once said... 'My friends, I will return...'

We wait the Rapture fervently... we pray to see that day...

Fulfillment of His prophecy... then up, up, up... away...

Denis Martindale © 2018


Lord restore me.

To walk in greater intimacy

In the place of quiet and rest

Where my ear is to Your chest.

Quiet my soul today,

I choose to walk in Your Way.

Take me from the business of life,

Far from the noise, far from the strife!

To the place where it is You and me!

Come, separate me.

Fill this temple for Glory!

Far from every enemy.

Oh Lord, hear my plea!

Let me behold Your Beauty.

Dwelling in Your Presence today,

Is where I want to stay.

Janice Zotter ©

Heart Of Gold!

I'd rather meet a Christian saint who has a heart of gold,

For there's none better to acquaint, their good works to behold!

To see them pray, with heads then bowed, as they seek God again,

Not in the presence of a crowd each time they say, Amen...

I'd rejoice for all their birthdays, not just because they've grown,

Recall good times and then give praise whenever smiles were shown...

Each year has opportunities, more miracles, more grace,

With times of challenge, times of peace, each destiny to face...

I celebrate each Christian saint who has a heart of gold,

For there's none better to acquaint, their good works to behold!

Denis Martindale © 2017

An Important Word Study

After an extended time of attending to responsibilities once, The Lord spoke

a word to me that contained the word CLEAVE……I changed that word to cling (just out of preference)

when I wrote it and had a check in my spirit, to compare these two words. He knows I study word definitions

pretty thoroughly and it’s surprising what I come up with.

I will share this with you.

Cling is only part of the definition of Cleave.

Cling: To hold on tightly, to remain close.

To resist separation, to remain attached.

It denotes embracing and to be entwined.

Cleave: To cling and adhere to.

Stresses strength of attachment.

To be devoted and grow together.

To hold-fast and agree with.

Adhere: To follow and carry out.

To comply and conform.

To observe and follow.

Devoted: To be loyal and very loving.

To give quality time to.

To stay attached, to trust.

Believe in and follow the practice of.

Loyal: To be committed and faithful to.

To be trustworthy and always true.

This is about being a loyal subject to the King

And a faithful friend to Jesus.

Make No Mistake About It

To these, Jesus said “If you ask anything in My Name, I will do it”

not the distant in heart but those who stay close to The Lord and bond with Him.

That’s why He said “he/she who hears My Words and does them, he/she is my friend”

and also, He gave the parable about the Five Maidens who were Ready

with Oil in their Lamps.

Holman Christian Standard Bible

So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed Him, "If you continue in My word, you really are My disciples.”

Young's Literal Translation

Jesus, therefore, said to the Jews who believed in him, 'If ye may remain in my word, truly my disciples you are, and you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free."

Truly Free In Jesus

Free to live above things

Free to discover your inheritance

Free to hear what The Lord has to say

Free to live in the Spirit

Free to Rejoice in the Victory

Free to have regard for The Lord

Free to see things from His perspective

Free from the impositions of man

Free from stressful expectations

Free to assess your own walk with God

Free to have your own convictions

Free to speak your mind

You are more aware

Your insight is sharper

You have a better sense of direction

Your thoughts become clearer

You are more at Peace

You have more Joy

You discover the Love of the Father

You have a new appreciation of Grace

You can venture in Faith more

Your Hope is refreshed

This is Kingdom Living

This is the walk we are called to.

Janet Vargas © Aug 2016

The copyrights of all writings on this website belong to the individual authors.

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